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At Nova Primary Academy, the Design and Technology curriculum aims to provide children with opportunities to learn about and apply a range of processes needed to design and make successful products. Through our progressive curriculum, we encourage our children to be inspired to create a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products with a real-life purpose. We offer children opportunities to research, design, make and evaluate products involving textiles, food and construction.

Our curriculum is organised to ensure progression into the areas conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge and disciplinary knowledge.

Conceptural knowledge (principles that designers and engineers must understand to design a product) focuses on structures; mechanisms, programming and control and materials.

Procedural Knowledge (skills and craftmanship of designers and engineers) focuses on marking out; shaping; joining and finishing.

Disciplinary knowledge focuses on the design process which maps out the following sequence:

1. How do designers identify a need?

2. Generating ideas

3. Making prototypes

4. Testing ideas

5. Communicating designs

6. Evaluating products

Our D&T curriculum enables children to tackle real-life problems. It encourages analysis, problem solving, practical capability and evaluation skills. We link our D&T learning with STEM opportunities as much as possible. When leaving us in Year 6, we hope our children will consider themselves innovators with the ability to manage risks exceptionally well to manufacture products safely and hygienically.