ESAFETY - Keeping safe
At Nova Primary Academy, we recognise clearly that for our pupils, the Internet and other digital devices already play a huge role in their lives. These devices can be an amazing resource for education and entertainment, and most children use them safely. However, there are also lots of risks online which can potentially lead to harm. These risks can include:
• Exposure to age inappropriate or distasteful content
• Harm from interactions with other people online
• Harm from trusting non-credible sources online
Unfortunately, there are times when the Internet can be a dangerous place for children. As a school, we have a responsibility to ensure that all our pupils are aware of these risks and can deal with them appropriately.
In the past, we have delivered e-safety lessons on a termly basis and through elements of PSHE. We now feel that to address the growing risks that the online world poses, we must rethink our curriculum. From September 2022, we will deliver a 'Keeping Safe' curriculum that will ensure every child receives a weekly online safety lesson. These will be delivered using key themes that will be developed using the existing PSHE curriculum and a framework called ‘Education for a Connected World’. These will continually be revisited and explored across the academic journey of a child at Nova. Each theme is underpinned by key vocabulary and knowledge that will be explicitly taught in Keeping Safe sessions. The key themes are:
Managing Online Information | Online Reputation |
Self- image and identity | Online Relationships |
Health, Wellbeing and Lifestyle | Privacy and Security |
Online Bullying | Copyright and Ownership |
* Upper Key Stage 2 will also study units on Extremism and Radicalisation
By focussing on key themes each half-term, we will be able to offer parent workshops, newsletters and assemblies for parents/carers so that information will be relevant to the learning that is also going on in class.
Curriculum Overview
Each half-term (or roughly 7/8 week block) has an overarching e-safety theme, and each year group will answer key questions within the theme through differentiated and age-appropriate activities.
- Term 1 - Self-image / identity and online relationships
- Term 2 - Online reputation and Copyright and ownership
- Term 3 - Online bullying
- Term 4 - Managing online Information
- Term 5 - Privacy and security
- Term 6 - Health, Wellbeing and Lifestyle
Theme details
Self-Image and Online Relationships
This theme explores the differences between online and offline identity beginning with self-awareness, shaping online identities and how media impacts on gender and stereotypes. It identifies effective routes for reporting and support and explores the impact of online technologies on self-image and behaviour. This theme also explores how technology shapes communication styles and identifies strategies for positive relationships online. It offers opportunities to discuss behaviours that may lead to harm and how positive online interaction can empower and amplify voice
Online Reputation, Copyright and Ownership
This theme explores the concept of reputation and how others may use online information to make judgements. It offers opportunities to develop strategies to manage personal digital content effectively and capitalise on technology’s capacity to create effective positive profiles. It also explores the concept of ownership of online content. It explores strategies for protecting personal content and crediting the rights of others as well as addressing potential consequences of illegal access, download and distribution
Online Bullying
This theme explores bullying and other online aggression and how technology impacts those issues. It offers strategies for effective reporting and intervention and considers how bullying and other aggressive behaviour relates to legislation.
Managing Online Information
This theme explores how online information is found, viewed and interpreted. It offers strategies for effective searching, critical evaluation and ethical publishing.
Privacy and Security
This theme explores how personal online information can be used, stored, processed and shared. It offers both behavioural and technical strategies to limit impact on privacy and protect data and systems against compromise.
Identity, Health, Well Being and Lifestyle
This theme explores the impact that technology has on health, well-being and lifestyle. It also includes understanding negative behaviours and issues amplified and sustained by online technologies and the strategies for dealing with them.
'Keeping Safe' curriculum delivery
The documents below detail the first term plan for September 2022. It focusses on self-image / identity and online relationships and shows the progression through the year groups.
We will also be sending home a newsletter to parents as the themes change throughout the year. Hopefully, this will provide parents with an insight into the teaching and also provide useful links for further reading. The first newsletter is in the links below.
Useful resources for parents to support each of the themes
Self-Image, Identity, Health, Well-Being and Lifestyle
- Dove Self-Esteem Project (
- Media Smart (
- SWGfL drama resource – With Friends Like These ( WebWise (
- Childline (
- Vodafone and ParentZone – Digital Parenting Magazine (
- Young Minds – Resources (
Online relationships
- Barnardos – Real Love Rocks (
- Brook and CEOP – Digital Romance (
- CEOP – Thinkuknow (
- Childnet et al – Project deSHAME (
- Childnet – Crossing the Line PSHE Toolkit (
- Disrespect Nobody (
- PSHE Association – Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) for the 21st century (
Managing online information
- ChildNet Trust Me (
- Google Search Education (
- Ofcom – Children’s media literacy (
Online Reputation, Copyright and Ownership
- Childnet – Online Reputation Checklist (
- MediaSmart – Promoting Ethical Behaviour Online: My Virtual Life (
- SWGfL – Digital Literacy and Citizenship (
- Cracking Ideas (
- Creative Commons (
- Get It Right from a Genuine Site (
Online bullying
- Anti-Bullying Alliance (
- BullyingUK (
- Ditch the Label (
- European Schoolnet (
- The Diana Award – Anti-bullying Ambassadors (
Privacy and security
ICO Resources for schools (
Video Resources
Digiduck (
Smartie the Penguin (
Hector the Dolphin (
The SMART Crew (
Jessie and Friends (